Palmares ANIMA2019

Este es el listado de Premiados en ANIMA2019, X Festival Internacional de Animación de Córdoba. ¡Felicitaciones!

This is the full list of awarded films at ANIMA2019, X Córdoba International Animation Festival. Congratulations!

Grand Jury Award
5 ans après la guerre
Dir: Samuel Albaric, Martin Wiklund, Ulysse Lefort

Best Animation – Feature or Medium Length
A cidade dos Piratas

Dir: Otto Guerra

Audience Award
Cómo y por qué se ha esfumado Don José

Dir: Moshe Ben-Avraham

Best Animation Documentary
5 ans après la guerre

Dir: Samuel Albaric, Martin Wiklund, Ulysse Lefort

Best Animation – Fiction
Kötü Kız

Dir: Ayce Kartal

Best Animation – Non narrative / Abstract

Dir. César Díaz Meléndez

Best Animation – Inmersive / VR
Artificial World
Dir: Bas Jansen

Special Mention of the Jury – Animation Series (TV /Internet)
Városi legendák / Az emberi test

Dir: Kati Glaser

En esta edición iniciamos la entrega del PREMIO CACHOÍTO – en honor al fallecido Miguel de Lorenzi, diseñador y animador de Córdoba – dedicado a personalidades relevantes de la animación argentina. En esta ocasión el Premio Cachoíto se entrega a RAMA, Red Argentina de Mujeres de la Animación. RAMA es un colectivo feminista que, desde la animación, propone la discusión, debate y visibilización de diversas problemáticas de género.

In this edition we begin delivering the CACHOÍTO AWARD – named after the late Miguel “Cachoíto” de Lorenzi, a designer and animator from Córdoba – dedicated to relevant personalities of Argentine animation. On this occasion the Cachoíto Award went to RAMA, Argentina Network of Women in Animation. RAMA is a feminist collective that proposes the discussion, debate and visibility of various gender issues from animation.

Best Argentine Animation (ex aequo)
Viaje a Japón

Dir: Dante Zaballa

Best Argentine Animation (ex aequo)

Dir: Pedro Casavecchia

Best Animation for Children – International Jury
Cœur Fondant

Dir: Benoît Chieux

Best Animation for Children – Children Jury
Don’t feed these animals

Dir: Guilherme Afonso, Miguel Madaíl de Freitas

Best Animation – Promotional / Advertising
Big Buddy Blue

Dir: Frederic Siegel, Beni Morard

Best Animation – Music Video
Sad Heart

Dir: Karni and Saul

Best Animation Series TV / Internet
Así son las cosas

Juan Pablo Zaramella

Best Animation Special TV / Web
Dimitri Et La Drôle De Surprise

Dir: Agnès Le Creux

Best Student Animation
Récit de soi

ENSAV La Cambre
Dir: Géraldine Charpentier

Special Mention of the Jury – Animation Special TV / Web
La vie de château

Dir: Clémence Madeleine-Perdrillat, Nathaniel H’limi

Special Mention of the Jury in the Documentary Category
Viaje a Japón

Dir: Dante Zaballa

Special Mention of the Jury in the Non-narrative / Abstract Category
1 Mètre/Heure

Dir: Nicolas Deveaux

Special Mention of the Jury in the Non-narrative / Abstract Category

Dir: Donato Sansone

Special Mention of the Jury in the Fiction Category

Dir: Ryotaro Miyajima

Special Mention of the Jury in the Fiction Category
妹妹 (Sister)

Dir: Siqi Song

Special Mention of the Argentine Competition Jury
Quma y las Bestias

Dir: Javier Ignacio Luna Crook, Iván Stur

Special Mention of the Argentine Competition Jury
Mi otro hijo

Dir: Gustavo Alonso

Special Mention of the Argentine Competition Jury
La Diosa

Dir: Lisandro Schurjin

Special Mention of the International Jury, Animation for Children

Dir: Hend Esmat, Lamiaa Diab

Special Mention of the Children Jury, Animation for Children

Dir: Artur Marcol

Special Mention of the Student Jury

Tama Art University
Dir: Kazuki Yuhara

Special Mention of the Jury – Feature or Medium Lenght
Ce Magnifique Gâteau!

Dir: Marc James Roels, Emma De Swaef

Special RAFMA Mention

Dir: Dalmiro Buigues, Martín Dasnoy

Special RAMA Mention

Dir: Hanna Isua Barrantes Sánchez

Special CINE.AR Mention
Muñeca Rota

Dir: Gaspar Aguirre, Román Sovrano